Vancouver Fashion Week F/W 2016 Day 1


So it has now finally arrived, the much anticipated Vancouver Fashion Week is here and day 1 was the opening gala. Here are some of the highlights and the designs that stood out for me.







And some very very few photos of my friends that have attended.



If you would like to see all the designs featured for this day I have a video of all of them >HERE<

People of NordstromVan Vol 1

So as you all might know,  I have switched careers and I’m now currently working at Nordstrom Vancouver, specifically at the Men’s Designer department.

This series will be dedicated to featuring the outfits of my co workers and to show the diversity of our styles and influences. I’m doing this in the hopes of opening your eyes and to be able to appreciate them. Hopefully to get you to try and explore from your normal routine of how you would dress yourself.

This post will be twice a week, every Monday and Friday so be sure to regularly check it out!
















Everyone’s A Model

Vancouver Art Gallery Throwback

So here’s a bit of a throwback for you guys, a friend of mine recently acquired a new lens for her camera and she had asked me to be her test subject and to give her some pointers. Since i’m so nice and awesome, I obviously said yes (haha).

Here’s some of the shots! Enjoy!

Pocket Square is by Sebastian Cruz Couture

Socks are by Wits and Beaux

Shoes are by Allen Edmonds

Jacket by H&M

Watch was purchased on Ebay, it was a refurbished vintage watch!

Parker Sample Sale

How’s it going everyone! I just want to let you know of a event that’s happening right now!

Parker Sample Sale!

Parker sale Square-1

While you’re there be sure to use the promo code “SIDEBUY” to get a additional 10% off your entire purchase. 

So I went to the second floor since the 1st floor was all for women and found Kent Bitz’ area and did my search! Kent was there who gave me a very warm welcome and actually showed me around and talked about some of the pieces that he has and what makes them so unique! (Very informative guy and he does know his stuff) after his spiel I went on by myself and found my one item which I promised myself I will just keep to one item only haha since I just came back from a vegas trip for a bachelors so i’m running low on funds. (by the way, he has one section at his store that is on a really good deal which is everything is $45 but if you buy two items its $80 and if you buy 3 it’s $100 PLUS if you use the SIDEBUY promo code you still get the 10% OFF!!! WHAT A CRAZY DEAL FOR SUCH QUALITY PRODUCTS! 

I can’t emphasize enough on how much of a great experience this was and how nice the products were! It is a definite must to check out!

So here are some photos!

photo with Kent and the David Bitton Pants I bought!
photo with Kent and the David Bitton Pants I bought!

Summer Whites

Summer’s here and it’s looking to be a real hot one! For the past few weeks the weather has been consistently hitting over 20 degrees and i’m loving it! This past May 22, I had to go for a friend’s Convocation and help take photos of her family as she celebrates her momentous day. As for me, I didn’t feel like wearing a full suit as i’m going to be taking photos and wanted more comfort and not to get too hot as well. I still wanted to dress up since it is not just a regular event.

So here’s what I did.

My first piece of inspiration was my white V Neck shirt from H&M then I worked my way down to my Club Monaco pants.

Since I have a whole white thing going on already I decided to add my white Ferragamo Shoes and added some other bright colors with my socks. (You know I always have to get funky with my socks).

I just have to praise Ferragamo for this awesome shoe of theirs, I love the logo it’s very simple and it doesn’t scream their brand, it just looks like a very nice emblem on the shoe. Super clean detail!

So while we got the shirt, shoes, socks and pants out of the way it was time to get on the suit, and since I noticed the blue emblem on the shoes, I decided to wear a blue suit to go along with it. This suit was part of a bespoke suit that was made for me by “Be Custom Suited” and the fit is just amazing! With all being said and done, I just added my white Ceramic Citizen Eco Drive watch to complete the whole outfit (I love my Eco Drive also since it runs on any source of light for power, no need for batteries and its not automatic so it’s not pricey also and not as bulky).

So there you go, my outfit for the day when I have to take photos but still want to dress up! haha!

Almost forgot, rockin my awesome pocket square also by Sebastian Cruz Couture!

Hope you guys like this post and please spread the word by sharing this around!

More to come!

Happy Air Max Day

Photo: Nike
Photo: Nike

Nike Air Max 1

“It’s a shoe that’s older than we are, but it remains handsome and relevant to this day. In 1987, Nike released the Air Max 1 – a piece of groundbreaking design, which, for the first time, gave consumers a view of the Air Sole unit that underpinned the comfort and performance of designer Tinker Hatfield’s celebrated Nike Airs. Yup, this was the birth of ‘visible air’, inspired by the architecture of Paris’ Pompidou Centre – a building that looks like it’s been sprung inside out, boasting inner workings that are visible through its exterior.” – from

So here’s the inspiration

Paris Pompidou Centre
Paris Pompidou Centre

I just find it amazing how one architectural design influence another now iconic shoe design. The Air Max line of shoes by Nike has got to be one of the most reinvented sneaker line that I know of along with Chucks which is also owned by Nike.

With this being said, here’s a photo of my own Nike Air Max


Ain’t it so cool? Haha!

Now here are some of the ones that I like from the world of Instagram

Bright red with geometric shapes!
Gotta have love for camo!
Nice clean white with powder blue swoosh!
Floral and Cork! Just an awesome and unexpected combination! I’d rock this anyday!
Here’s a lady with quite a collection!
MMMMM purple!!!
Classic black and white!
Red and white paired with Marvel themed socks!
Just an epic shot!
Even the kids are on it!
All white, super clean!
Floral overload, but just WOW!
Just the sheer contrast of colours. Nice!

As you can see, the influence alone of these shoes transcends gender and age! From the most muted designs to the brightest of colours even the use of different materials such as Cork! Nike Air Max has come a long way!

How about you, do you own a pair? Share your photo on the comments!

OOTD | Nature Everywhere

Waking up on a Friday morning and all I could see was this glorious bright sun! I feel so happy and energized! after all the horrible horrible rain Vancouver has been getting, there’s finally the light!
So with this, I thought i’d pay a tribute to our Mr. Sun and Mother Nature.

I started off with wearing a patterned t-shirt with a design that resembles the sun with its rays beaming out of it. From there I paired it off with another green patterned slacks (it was just something that I felt appropriate since I haven’t worn green for a while, yes, I’m weird like that). Since I had the whole earth and green thing happening already, I just decided to wear my green wooden watch and also my green jade ring. For my shoes I just wore my white and green chucks with a sock top (limited edition, from what I could remember).

So here are the photos!

The pants are actually longer than this, I just decided to fold them on the inside to make it look cropped just to show the hi-top shoes a bit more. Shirt is from Play Cloths
Watch is by WeWood
Pants by Club Monaco
Shoes by Converse

Guys, if you like what you see please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or suggestion. So i’ll know what type of content I should be adding.

Once again, i’m still getting used to my new equipment and there will be more to come and thanks to the guys from Samsung Canada for helping me out with getting this new NX1 mirrorless camera.

Quick Update

Hey guys! Just wanna give everyone a heads up. I know i haven’t been as active as I wanted to be, but that will all change now. I will be putting up more content on a much more regular basis now. I have just recently switched my camera equipment and it will be much easier for me to take photos and possibly videos of myself. I just want to give some much needed thanks to my former boss from Samsung, Loring “The Viking” for letting me get my hands on this very elusive and hard to get camera the Samsung NX1. I’ve been wanting to purchase this camera since it was released. It had to be shipped all the way from Ontario to Vancouver. I’m possibly the first person in B.C. to own this awesome camera. image With this being said, my workflow will be much more efficient and I can actually do videos now also. Believe it or not, the camera I replaced with this was a camera that I have owned for 7 years. It’s so old that it doesn’t even record video. Yes, no video. Lol! Now I can even record 4K video with this guy! So yes, be ready for more content coming soon and please leave any comments or suggestions on what you would like for me to put on this site! Here’s a little video I took while testing out my new camera. Getting ready for spring so time to bust out the bright and colorful shoes! (Time to clean them up also hahahaha).

He Said, She Said | Valentines Special Part 2

So here’s the part two which is the last instalment of a collaborative article with my fellow fashion writer Samantha from Obsessive Trend Invitation and if you haven’t seen the part one yet just click here. To see my answers to the same questions just go to her site here.


I am a hugeeeeee RomCom fanatic and because of that, my ideas of first dates sometime get inspired by what I see on the telly. I blame Disney for crushing all my unrealistic dreams of having dinner on a boat in the sea with floating lanterns, yes Tangled I blame you.

I love anything that doesn’t just involve two people staring at each other. I want to do activities, whether its drawing, or riding a bike (even though I don’t know how to) or going to the PNE, I feel like the best way to know somebody and to be comfortable is by having fun and not putting pressure on having to talk the entire time.

From a psychology perspective, I recommend going somewhere that gets your heart racing and blood pumping because that just makes you that more attractive! Capilano Suspension Bridge anybody?


I think the term should be rephrased to Single APPRECIATION Day. So instead of being down in the dumps about not receiving flowers or chocolates, go buy yourself flowers and chocolates and celebrate the person you are. Make it a day to spend with your family and friends, or even a special day to pamper yourself.


Open Mindedness for sure- You don’t have to believe the things I do, but have the willingness to understand it and be open to have a discussion about it

Laughter– I love making a fool of myself and it exudes confidence when someone is able to be silly and appreciate a good joke.

Joy– Waking up every morning, you want to be surrounded by people who make you feel positive about yourself, and the world around you, so definitely someone who can make you smile during the darkest days.


OK I’m going to say constantly being on their cellphones BUT this is a grey area, and many will call me a hypocrite but there is a very fine line between not being in the moment, and APPRECIATING the moment. And as you read this, bear in mind that this is coming from someone who works in media *big laughs*

I am someone who is on her phone ALOT, and my reasoning for being on my cellphone during dates is this- IT’S SO GREAT I NEED TO MAKE MEMORIES. I mean, who else is going to take all the photos for you? And as I type this I already feel the virtual disapproving looks all around.

The thing is, when you date a busy individual, especially one who works in social media, the importance of online presence and being on top of things is important. For me to be present, I need to clear my head of all prior commitments that still go on 24/7; so for some of us ladies, it doesn’t mean we’re bored or aren’t present, it just means that we need mini breaks to clear our heads from all the beeping sounds erupting from our phones. You wouldn’t want me to be guessing who sent me an email while we’re watching the sunset right?

BUT, when and if you are ALWAYS on your phone, and totally unattached to conversations, or when you’re on the phone while having an important conversation, that can be a great turn off.

So the point of my lonnnnnggggg rant IS, — I should probably learn to turn off my phone during a date haha.

Shit its raining

Most of the people here in Vancouver can relate to this expression on a very regular basis. We don’t have the nickname “Raincouver” for it for a reason. Especially in this time of the year, we can experience a very generous amount of rain coming our way. This doesn’t mean that our sense of style and our rain gear should suffer. I notice that most people here in Vancouver stick to the very safe and simple black umbrella to protect themselves from the rain, but I have a solution for you.

“Merde Il Pleut” – Shit it’s raining (in French) umbrella

When life gives you lemons, you make lemon juice. So when it rains, why not make the best of the situation and throw in some sense of humour while you’re at it.

Why just stick to the norms of a black umbrella when you can make someone’s day with a funny yet still stylish and classy one.

The strong wood handle, wood shaft, ferrule, and wooden tips help prevent wind damage. I haven’t tested this guy against strong winds yet but with the feel of its construction I can say it stands a good chance of handling the occasional winds of Vancouver.

Let me just say, it does look good when matched with a pair of tan coloured shoes and brown belt because of the wooden accent on the umbrella. It just gives it a very vintage yet modern feel.

So the next time you buy an umbrella for yourself or even as a gift for someone you might want to consider this umbrella. I got this at Kent Street Apparel which is a Vancouver based online store.

If you guys like these kinds of content please leave a message. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
